Gina Gleason
Gina Gleason
Real Impact
Half Circle


Gina Gleason

Gina Gleason is the Executive Director of Real Impact. Real Impact's mission is to educate, equip, and empower Christians to influence culture through the lens of Scripture. Gina has developed guidelines for churches as they navigate various activities within the church setting, such as holding voter registration drives, creating alerts for legislative action, developing voter guides, supporting statewide initiatives, and encouraging Christians to engage with the culture.

Real Impact has established a network of churches that share a biblical worldview through Gina's efforts. She emphasizes the importance of each church customizing its ministry efforts to align with its church culture. Real Impact offers free resources, ideas, suggestions, and training webinars. Gina is thrilled that churches are better equipped to monitor societal issues impacting faith, family, and religious freedom.

Gina and her husband, John, have three children and seven grandchildren and have enjoyed over 49 years of marriage.

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